Dear Parents/Guardians,
We are pleased to bring the Young Hearts for Life® (YH4L) Cardiac Screening Program to your student's school. All students who have proper authorization and are present the day of the screening, will be tested. Please be aware that repeat ECG testing is recommended every two years.
YH4L will provide this free heart screening called an electrocardiogram (ECG) to identify students at risk for sudden cardiac death. To date over 240,000 students have been screened as a result of YH4L. More information about the screening can be found here.
A simple ECG, when used to screen young adults can detect certain
serious heart conditions. Recording the electrical activity of the heart using electrodes
attached to the skin with a mild adhesive, can detect approximately 70% of the abnormalities
or “markers” from these heart conditions that are associated with sudden cardiac
death that a stethoscope cannot. ECG screenings result in less than 2% of the tests being falsely positive.
This may require additional evaluation and testing by your physician. We believe that the
benefit of this potentially lifesaving screening outweighs this concern.
We encourage you to discuss this screening with your child. Your child’s participation
in the screening is your decision. We want to assure you that students’ confidentiality,
privacy and individual modesty will be respected throughout all aspects of the program.
Only female technicians will test girls and they will be screened in an area separate
from boys. The results will only be shared with the parents/guardian. The school will
not get your child’s results.
Current Testing Dates Listed Below:
Plainfield Central High School
02/25/2025 - 02/25/2025
Harold L. Richards High School
03/04/2025 - 03/04/2025
Lyons Township High School (SOUTH CAMPUS)
03/11/2025 - 03/11/2025
Dwight D. Eisenhower High School
03/18/2025 - 03/18/2025
Lyons Township High School (NORTH CAMPUS)
03/25/2025 - 03/25/2025
Oak Lawn Community High School
04/08/2025 - 04/08/2025
Christ the King Jesuit College Prep High School
04/15/2025 - 04/16/2025
Alan B. Shepard High School
04/22/2025 - 04/22/2025
Niles West High School
04/29/2025 - 04/29/2025
Oak Park and River Forest High School
05/06/2025 - 05/06/2025
Timothy Christian School
05/13/2025 - 05/13/2025
Office Screening 2024-2025 by Appt. Only
06/30/2025 - 06/30/2025
I give permission for my child to participate in the Young Hearts for Life® Cardiac
Screening in which my child will receive an electrocardiogram. An electrocardiogram (also known as EKG or ECG) is a non-invasive
test that measures the electrical activity of the heart and can detect certain heart
abnormalities that may lead to sudden cardiac death.
I understand that my child’s participation in the Young Hearts for Life® Cardiac
Screening is intended to identify heart abnormalities which may affect their health
during physical activities. I assume all risks associated with my child’s participation
in the Cardiac Screening. All such risks being known and appreciated by me and having
read this waiver I hereby for myself, heirs, executors, and administrators waive
any and all claims I may have for damages against Young Hearts for Life and any and all individuals associated with this screening, their
heirs, representatives and successors, and assignees for any and all injuries suffered
by my child in connection with this screening or any actions or omissions related to the screening even though that liability may arise
out of negligence or carelessness on the part of those named in this waiver.
I understand that Young Hearts for Life® will endeavor to keep my child’s health information confidential
pursuant to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”)
and its related Rules and Regulations and other state laws. I understand that my student’s
results may be used, after being de-identified, for research purposes. In the event my child’s
ECG result indicates that further evaluation is needed, Young Hearts for Life
may contact me for additional information.
I grant permission to all the foregoing to use any photographs, recordings or any
other record of this event for any legitimate purpose consistent with HIPAA and
its related Rules and Regulations and other state laws.
I acknowledge that I have read this Permission Form and Waiver
and understand the risks associated with my child’s participation in the Young Hearts
for Life® Cardiac Screening.